"Governing Our Community and Building a Brighter Future."

Temple of African Tradition

African American School of Thought

African Tradition

Africa was once a continent where the people lived well, initially, a continent that created a tradition of wholeness, where African Traditional Religions embraced all aspects of life, the spiritual, the political, the social. Where music and art communicated with the Sacred.
Perhaps if we had turned back to African Tradition Religions after colonization ended a LOT of our present problems could have been avoided. I thusfar do not have sufficient evidence to back this up, but I have noticed that where African communities live according to African tradition, things are generally peaceful, but when African communities are living within a State structure which imitates the European model, together with its accompanying paraphernalia of courts, laws, prisons, offices, etc, we have continuous strife. - Dr. Kwenda

Moors Society: The Temple of African Tradition

“Religion is a system of beliefs, but spirituality is the way of faith and life.”


The African-American School of Thought (The School of African Life and Spiritualism)

“The Prophets of the Round Table”


Temple of African Tradition


Purpose & Activities:

It is a temple of Black American men and women with a religious purpose. The purpose of this organization is to explore African Tradition and African folklore to find connections with Judo-Christianity and Islam. Teams of historians will study the Torah, the Qur’an and the Gospel of Christ to find links to ancient Nubians, ancient Ethiopians and other African ethnic groups. As researchers study the connections between these sacred books and the ancient world of African Tradition, members of the Moors community can establish a more genuine understanding of their religious beliefs. A genuine understanding that will reconnect the roots of monotheistic religions to their African origin will return the spirit of the words to the daily religious practices of members and their families. 


The School of Thought


Purpose & Activities:

It is a school of philosophy for Black American men and women with a religious purpose. It is an institution of higher learning that focuses on the philosophies and practices of the 12 most influential religions of the world. The purpose of this program is to learn what may be regarded as the pros and cons of each religion and find the common ground between them. We also want to understand the link each religion as to its particular culture. Our goal is to create an environment that is more than just religiously tolerant, but religiously and culturally literate.

Contact Information for Organization

Snail Mail Address:
7575 Chaucer Place, Office #1404
Dallas, Texas 75237

Email Address:
Info@MoorsSociety.com (Non-Profit Organization)

Telephone Number: N/A

                                                AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION


The Meaning of Peace in African Tradition Religion and Culture

The Role of Women in peace building in African Tradition Societies

Resources for peace in African proverbs and myths

Concepts of Social Justice in Traditional Africa

Reincarnation in the framework of African Ontology

Crime in African Traditional Religion

The Place of Ancestors

Marriage among the Igbo of Nigeria

African Religiosity expressed in Music (Italian)

African Traditional Religions and Promotion of Community

Emergent Key Issues in African Traditional Religion

Ancestor Veneration in Africa

African Creation Myths

Creation in African Thought

Traditional Religion in Africa: The Vodun phenomenon

African Religiosity: Caribbean Experience

African Religiosity: Women perspective

African Religiosity: General manifestations

African Peoples and their names for GOD

More about ANCESTORS

Myths and Legends of the Bantu

Myths of Ífè

African Traditional Religions and Modernity

The loss of African Tradition Religion in contemporary society

The Role of women in African Traditional Religion

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