"Governing Our Community and Building a Brighter Future."

Research & Development

Public Health, Social Aid & Pleasure Organization


Moors Society: Research & Development

“Building Our Community Through Greater Invention & Discovery.”


Purpose & Activities:

High school and college students selected for their academic achievement, social conscience and genuine interest in the advancement of the Black community will participate in a “think tank” designed to explore the past, present and future development of the African and African American cultures. They will study and debate the views of Black civil rights, scientists and educational leaders. They will also explore the popular religious, political and social agendas and their impact on the Black community. The information acquired will play an important role in how the organization chooses its future cultural programs.  

As other organizations that are part of the Moors community gather information and improve our understanding, this institution and its programs will modify their plans and goals to reflect new advancements. Our goal is to celebrate the legacy of our joint African and African American families.

Moors Society: Public Health, Social Aid and Pleasure Organization

“We are dedicated to healing our community through the celebration of life.”


Purpose & Activities:

This is an organization that will create programs dedicated to providing public health education, raising money for medical research and providing social aid education. The purpose of this institution is to provide useful information about consumer health, medical care, and health care advancements. It will support the medical community’s efforts to raise money in pursuit of medical cures and treatments.


Our focus will be those diseases that greatly affect the Black American community. Sickle Cell, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, Heart Diseases, and the array of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, Hepatitis, and AIDS.


As a pleasure organization, we don’t want to just raise money and awareness for our necessary causes. We want to enjoy ourselves in the process. This organization is open to the public, but it will cater to the Moors community.


As other organizations that are part of the Moors community gather information and improve our understanding, this institution and its programs will modify their plans and goals to reflect new advancements. Our goal is to celebrate the legacy of our joint African and African American families.

The Moors Society is dedicated to the support of all actions taken to maintain and improve the general health of the African-American community. Our organization’s health programs are designed to provide most public health services. In addition, our voluntary health programs receive contributions to combat disease and illness common to our community. These programs provide a variety of medical and non-medical services, campaign for health legislation, and make important contributions to health education.

The Moors Public Health Department administers our society’s public health programs. The other organizations of the Moors Society also provide a wide range of services throughout our community. All efforts of our health organization are committed to the prevention and control of diseases. Another function of our public health organization is to provide health education to individuals, groups, and organization.

The Moors Social Aid Department administers a wide range of social services and programs. Members of our social organization are specially trained to provide counseling, support, guidance, and other services to people in need. The purpose of our social aid organization is to help members of our community resolve psychological and social problems and attain a general wellness. Our social aid programs also try to improve the community’s living conditions by working to prevent problems like drug addiction, mental illness, poor housing, and neglect or abuse of children or the elderly.

Most of social work programs are financed by the Moors Society or private organizations. The majority of our social workers are in a family service programs that cater to hospitals, clinics, drug abuse centers, nursing homes, schools, and prisons. Some of our social workers have private practices and provide free counseling.

Our social aid organization has three basic approaches casework, group work, and community organization work. Casework deals with the direct contact between the social worker and the individual and the families in need. Group work involves the social worker providing service to several people at the same time. Community organizations deal with both our neighbors in the community and large groups of people.
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