"Governing Our Community and Building a Brighter Future."

African Heritage Organization of African Fraternity & Sorority for Historically Black Colleges & Universities


Moors Society: The African Heritage Organization of African Fraternity and Sorority for the Historically Black Colleges or Universities

“We are learning to better love, respect and care for ourselves through higher education.”


Purpose & Activities:

This organization will serve the Historically Black Colleges and Universities. It is a system that consists of a social organizations designed to create an academic and professional network that will cater to the Black American community. This social and social aid organization sets high academic, professional and social standards. It will function in the traditional capacity of Greek and Non-Greek college organizations.


The goals of this program are to create and facilitate a network for men and women who pursue a college education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. We want members of this order to embrace and celebrate both academic advancement as well as the sacrifices early Black Americans made to ensure that quality institutions of higher education exists for Africans in the Americas.

History Of The Moors (Mauri)

Moors is a term that is commonly used to identify Muslims who reside in the northwestern regions of Africa. The term is also used in referring to Muslims of Turkish or Jewish descent that live in northern Africa. In ancient history, the Romans referred to the northwestern regions of Africa as Mauritania and the Black African people of that region were called Mauri.

These people are believed to have been part of a larger group of Africans who live in the Sahara known as Berber. Berbers were the earliest known people to inhabit the western Mediterranean coast. They were most likely their in 3000 BC or earlier. The languages, customs, and traditions of the Berber people are mainly practiced in areas isolated from the Arabs.

These are places like the desert and mountains. Many Berbers became Muslims and learned to speak Arabic as well as their native African language. They too, became known as Moors. In the 700’s, the Moors joined the Arabs in their invasion of Spain.

There are about 15,000,000 Berbers, and they speak a variety of Berber dialects. They live in villages, often in rugged, mountain areas. Berber traders linked the Mediterranean coast to central Africa. Berbers who lived along the coast became citizens of Carthage and Rome. The mountain Berbers continued to live in independent groups.



Moors Society.Org

The Moors Community page was created as a threshold to the Moors Society Social Network. This internet community was created to give members an open door into the Moors Organization and its many program. Here members can view annual reports, submit articles and information, learn about different events, view our official calender, and read press information.

Members can access blogs and forums, see organizational pictures and videos. They can chat, share and gather information, see the Founder's Itinerary and interact with other members.

Christopher L. McGee
Founder & President
Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas

The Moors Community page was created as a threshold to the Moors Society Social Network. This internet community into the Moors Organization and its calender, and read press information.  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Members can access blogs and forums, see organizational and interact with other members.

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