"Governing Our Community and Building a Brighter Future."

Sacred Circle of Elders

The Moors Family

Moors Society: The Sacred Circle of African American Elders.

“A people without history is like a tree without roots”

Purpose & Activities:

It is a “historical society” of elder Black American men and women who are committed to the preservation of the different eras of Black American history. In the Dallas/Fort Worth area, there have been many changes to the city’s landscape. Communities, parks, freeways and business districts have received major face lifts one time after another.


These changes have made it hard for new generations to understand and share the lives of the people before them. It is often difficult for new generations to appreciate the experiences, hard work and accomplishments of the people before them. Rebuilding a historic version of the different Black American communities in the Dallas/Fort Worth area to reflect different periods in our history will give our elders a road map and model to teach the current history of African American life.


Elders will give their life stories with the aid of Moors historians, and those stories will be professionally recorded and possibly published. We will be able to record genuine stories of war and military life, social and political movements, changes in the business community, as well as personal accounts of celebrity interactions. All of this information and much more will quickly become a very valuable asset to the members of the Moors Society.   

Moors Society: The Moors Family

“Royalty consists not in vain pomp, but in great virtue.”


“Every king springs from a race of slave, and every slave had kings among his ancestors.”


Purpose & Activities:

The Moors Family is an organizational theater group designed to promote the advancement of the African American culture. As Moors Society, Inc. gathers information to help the greater Moors community establish better components of culture and better understand our cultural diversity, this theatrical program will communicate social and cultural changes.


This theater group and its programs are designed to operate as a form of street theater. Men, women and children will perform at different social engagements to demonstrate the proper dress and manner of a Moors member and his or her family. The performances will serve as an example of how African Americans of high culture and popular culture should behave in different social situations. Like the royal families of ancient societies, the theater group will represent the civic virtues, social class and community polities of Moors Society, Inc.


As other organizations that are part of the Moors community gather information and improve our understanding, this institution and its programs will be modified to reflect advancements in our plans to celebrate the legacy of our African and African American families.


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